Practising yoga and receiving ayurvedic treatment are traditional Indian ways of improving the condition of mind and body. Yoga has been part of the daily routine of Indians for 5000 years, and ayurvedic massages and medicines, for rejuvenation and treatment of ailments, have been used for at least 3000 years.
A wide range of ayuvedic treatments are widely available in Kerala, including pleasant massages for relaxation and wellbeing, and full programmes for treatment of chronic health conditions. We are connected with respected ayurvedic doctors who can offer consultations to assess and prescribe how to use ayurveda in your daily life. You will need a few days for short treatments, and a minimum of two weeks for proper treatment of chronic considtions.
Most of the world has realised the benefits of yoga. Classes, workshops and retreats are available in South India. There is a variety of schools and approaches, and yoga can be practiced in most of the locations we promote, be it beach locations, the backwaters or the high ranges. We are connected with a number of teachers who can help create a yoga programme that suits your life style.